Come to Egypt

Luxor is indeed home of the greatest open air museum, and much more. What most people think is Luxor, is actually three different areas, including the City of Luxor on the east side of the Nile, the town of Karnak just north of Luxor and Thebes, which the ancient Egyptians called “Waset.” The “Waset” is located on the west side of the Nile River across from Luxor. Luxor isn’t a big attraction for tourists, but it has been there since the beginning of the “tourism” era. This city is well equipped with many hotels and in general a place that is always “ready to serve.” Luxor is a city with a population of approximately 155,000 people and is “governed” by special statues. And one particular thing that might catch your attention, is that random government and other buildings confirm to a ‘ancient’ building code. After all, Luxor is a very extortionate place to visit, or maybe stay!