Come to Egypt

El Mahalla El-Kubra...

  This specific city is in northern Egypt, with approx. of 462,500 people. It is located in the Nile Delta, along a smaller canal off the Damietta branch. This city belongs to the Gharbiyah governorate.  The economy is almost entirely based on cotton from the surrounding region. This city is one of the leading textile-manufacturing centers of Egypt, with all its cotton-pressing plants and spinning mills. There are a lot of factories, and some of the major things that they produce are woolens, rayons, knitwear, blankets and hoisery. Other mills produce things like rice and flour, both from the local agriculture. Mahalla el- Kubra is intertwined with other urban centers by road and rail. Mahalla el-Kubra lost the role of capital city to Tanta, a urban country nearby in 1836. And in 1927, there was a large cotton plant established in Mahalla el-Kubra. Over all, Mahalla el-Kubra has a stable economy, and would be a fun place to visit.